Keywords = Athletes
The effect of core muscle fatigue on the functional movement screening scores in female athletes

Volume 16, Issue 2, July 2024, Pages 167-177


Shadab Bastam; Mohammad Rahimi; Hashem Piri; Mostafa Jalili Bafrouei

The Comparison of Lumbar Spine Strength, Endurance and Range of Motion in Athletes with and without Low Back Pain

Volume 6, Issue 1, May 2014, Pages 1-17


Ali Asghar Norasteh; Hasan Daneshmandi; Jafar Vaghefi; Sare Shah Heidari

The Effect of Time of Day on Static and Dynamic Postural Control in Female and Male Athletes

Volume 1, Issue 3, October 2011, Pages 113-127

leila mousavi; hosein Shahrokhi; aliasghar Norasteh

Electromyography of Fatigue of Back and Hip Muscles in Athletes with Chronic Low Back Pain

Volume 3, Issue 1, April 2011, Pages 39-54

masoud Khorsandi Kolur; aliasgher Norasteh; hasan Daneshmandi