A Comparison of Timing of Core Muscles between ACL Reconstructed and Healthy Athletes While Landing

Document Type : Research Paper



Altered feed-forward mechanism of the motor control system can be one of the main reasons causing anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) sprain. The aim of this study was to examine the core muscles activation patterns in patients with ACL reconstruction (ACLR) and healthy subjects during landing. 15 healthy subjects as the control group and 15 subjects with ACLR participated in this non-experimental case study.Electromyography of erector spine, internal oblique and gluteus medius muscles was recorded and onset latencies and time to peak latencies were assessed during landing. The time of foot contact with ground was determined by a sensitive surface. Onset time of all muscles during landing in the healthy group was significantly less than ACLR group (P<0.05), that is to say onset latency of these muscles in ACLR group was higher. Time to peak in healthy group was significantly less than ACLR group (P<0.05). The preactivation onset time and time to peak of core muscles were altered in subjects with ACLR compared to healthy subjects.


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