Comparison of the effect of one week of myofascial self-release process and massage on pain and range of motion of neck in women with trapezius muscle trigger points

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Department of Health and Sport Rehabilitation, Faculty of Sport Sciences and Health, University of Shahid Beheshti, Tehran, Iran

2 Department of Health ran& Sport Rehabilitation, Faculty of Sport Sciences & Health, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran,I


Background: Myofascial pain syndrome (MPS) is caused by sensitive spot in muscles that are known as trigger points (TPs) which can have complications that can affect person's quality of life. Massage and self-myofascial-release (SMR) are two non-invasive techniques which are used to reduce the side effects of TPs.
Aim: The present study is intending to compare the effect of the two mentioned techniques in reducing complications caused by TPs such as reduced ROM and pain in women with MPS of the trapezius muscle.
Materials and Methods: 45 women aged 20-25 years with active TPs in the trapezius muscle were randomly divided into two experimental groups and one control group. The research process was one week which consists of pretest, 5 days intervention and post-test. The variables included pain measured by OBER questionnaire and ROM of neck measured by goniometer.
Results: The results of the study showed that massage can have a significant effect on the ROM of neck including neck flexion (P= 0.00), extension (P= 0.00), left (P= 0.00) and right (P= 0.004) lateral flexion and left (P=0.00) and right (P= 0.04) rotation (P<0.05). Both massage and SMR interventions had a significant effect on reducing pain measured by OBER questionnaire (P<0.05).
Conclusion: Findings of this study showed that myofascial release massage can have better effects on increasing neck ROM. Both treatment modalities are useful in reducing pain. Based on the obtained results, we recommend that specialists use massage intervention instead of myofascial self-release (SMR) for individuals suffering from MPS and neck pain, in order to achieve quicker and more extensive results.


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