The Relationship between physical education teachers’ perceived physical literacy and students’ physical literacy and enjoyment of physical activity: The mediating role of teachers’ self-efficacy

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Ph.d Candidate In Motor Behavior, Urmia University

2 Associate Professor in Motor Behavior Faculty of sport sciences Department of Motor Behavior and Sport Management Urmia University, Urmia, Iran

3 Department of Physical Education and Sport Sciences, Urmia Branch, Islamic Azad University, Urmia, Iran


Background: Physical education (PE) plays a crucial role in fostering an enjoyment of physical activity (PA) and developing physical literacy in students. This, in turn, contributes to lifelong health and well-being.
Aim: The study explored the association between teachers’ perceived physical literacy, students' enjoyment of PA, and physical literacy. This was done by investigating the mediating role of teachers' self-efficacy in teaching PE.
Materials and Methods: The sample included 40 physical education teachers and 100 students in 7 to 9 grades of secondary education, totaling 140 participants. The teachers completed the Physical Education Teachers' Perceived Physical Literacy Instrument (PPLI) and Teacher Self-Efficacy Scale (TSES). In contrast, the students completed the Physical Activity Enjoyment Scale (PACES) and Adolescent Physical Literacy Questionnaire (APLQ).
Results The results from the structural equation modeling confirmed the model's fit and showed that teachers’ perceived physical literacy and self-efficacy have a direct and positive relationship with students' enjoyment of PA and physical literacy. Additionally, teachers' self-efficacy indirectly mediated the relationship between teachers’ perceived physical literacy and students' enjoyment of PA and physical literacy.
Conclusion: The results underscore the importance of teachers' perceived physical literacy in fostering positive student outcomes concerning PA by mediating the role of teaching self-efficacy.


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