Background: The traditional approaches to strategic planning in the face of uncertainty of the environment have no inflexibility, and there is no appropriate response to it. Strategic Foresight systems are welcomed by creating a strategy in a highly competitive environment. Aim: The purpose of the study was to explain the effective demographic model of sections quad Iran's sports based on Strategic Foresight to end in 2036. Materials and Methods: The present research is in terms of applied purpose, qualitative nature and implementation path in foresight methods, environmental scanning and survey. The statistical population were faculty members of sports management with associate degrees and higher who were selected by combining sampling. Results:The experts approve the research model with GOF= 0.509. Also, development of academic disciplines in sport for all, land-use planning system in professional sport, per capita family income in championship sport, land-use planning system in educational sport as demographic key drivers were identified. Conclusion: The research model can be effective as a guide in anticipation of the future of sections quad Iran's sports and provided the basis for envisioning the future state and effective decision-making.
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farokhshahinia, R. (2021). The effective demographic model of sections quad Iran's sports based on Strategic Foresight. Sport Sciences and Health Research, 13(2), 197-207. doi: 10.22059/sshr.2021.86244
farokhshahinia, R. . "The effective demographic model of sections quad Iran's sports based on Strategic Foresight", Sport Sciences and Health Research, 13, 2, 2021, 197-207. doi: 10.22059/sshr.2021.86244
farokhshahinia, R. (2021). 'The effective demographic model of sections quad Iran's sports based on Strategic Foresight', Sport Sciences and Health Research, 13(2), pp. 197-207. doi: 10.22059/sshr.2021.86244
R. farokhshahinia, "The effective demographic model of sections quad Iran's sports based on Strategic Foresight," Sport Sciences and Health Research, 13 2 (2021): 197-207, doi: 10.22059/sshr.2021.86244
farokhshahinia, R. The effective demographic model of sections quad Iran's sports based on Strategic Foresight. Sport Sciences and Health Research, 2021; 13(2): 197-207. doi: 10.22059/sshr.2021.86244